Latoria Hillard

Latoria Hillard

Avionics Electrical Engineer at Northern Palm Beach Chapter

Latoria's Contacts (169)

  • Latoria's Bio

    Latoria L. Hillard


    In January 2017 Latoria found a need to develop skills in teaching, recruiting, and leading to grow her business, a month later she discovered ABWA.  Her excitement of ABWA drew women from her circle of influence to become members. The Northern Palm Beach chapter wasted no time showing Latoria what it meant to be a woman of worth. She caught the vision and was equipped through professional development, education, and network support tools within ABWA.  Her values aligned with ABWA's mission, giving her a voice and support to further expand her business. She developed leadership skills by utilizing the credentials offered through monthly meetings, tri-county council, and national events. Latoria has taken flight in ABWA by being bold and brave and being herself. She is now ready to unleash her brilliance by recruiting, equipping, advocating, and developing women into their next journey.