Cassady Thomas

Cassady Thomas

Director of Development

Cassady's Contacts (34)

  • Cassady's Bio

    I'm a girl with a diverse background. Born in Ohio, I grew up in Wyoming and spent several years in Minnesota, before I settled here in the heart of Kansas City, Missouri. Growing up in the mountains I enjoy the peaceful solitude of the great outdoors and learned to hunt, shooting prairie dogs and trapping beaver. Being transplanted to the Midwest I also appreciate the rush of excitement and exuberance of life contained in the city bustle. I graduated in Political Science from the University of Missouri in Columbia: MIZ...! Then, after working on my education degree I found myself at Health Services, which has allowed me to be able to use my medley of life and educational experience to improve the quality of life for so many individuals. Using my corporate sales experience, I entered the nonprofit workspace to work for City Union Mission, a ministry serving the poor and homeless of Kansas City. I currently work for Healing House which provides housing and support services for individuals in recovery. I love life, God and my family and live to the fullest!