Teresa Gregurek

Teresa Gregurek

Owner/Traditional Naturopath - Herbs To Go

Teresa's Contacts (15)

  • Teresa's Bio

    I am a retired registered nurse and owner of Herbs To Go, which I started in 1999.  I am independent distributor for Nature's Sunshine Products (herbal formulas, vitamins, weight loss, aromatherapy essential oils - www.mynsp.com/gregurek), as well as for My Daily Choice (CBD oil and hemp products, including Cosmikology skin care and Cosmetics, BodyMelt healthy weight loss, HempMomma clothes - www.mydailychoice.com/herbstogo).  I have FB business pages - Herbs To Go and Herbs To Go - CBD & Hemp.  Also have private FB group - Hemp To Go Education - for anyone to join to learn more about CBD.  I do vendor booths, one on one consults, and can do your orders.  I graduated in August 2022 from a traditional naturopathy program, took board exam, and now Board Certified Traditional Naturopath (BCTN), also certified as Iridologist thru International Iridology Practitioners Association, doing consultations with Iridology.