Laurie Bodisch

Laurie Bodisch

Executive Wealth Coach / Investment Strategist

Laurie's Contacts (28)

  • Laurie's Bio

    Back in my high-school years of the 1980s, I always wanted to be a high school math teacher. That wasn't a path that I was meant to take. But I have come full circle, doing what I love and with an amazing community of professional women who are passionate about experiencing financial freedom. 

    Like most women I know, my career path has taken a few detours over the years and it was all to prepare me for where I am today. 

    After over three decades of watching women experience the "insider's club" of the corporate financial world: 

    • intimidation
    • mansplaining
    • embarrassment
    • shame
    • confusion
    • inferiority
    • insignificance
    • pressure

    I was done.

    ENTER: Her Wealth Coach™

    An educational empowerment company on a mission to provide immersive customer-focused solutions to help women, LIKE YOU, gain the self-awareness and financial confidence to take control of their narrative. 

    My Belief: A woman in charge of her economic future is a woman with power over her own life.

    My Why: To educate and empower women so that we have the confidence to experience financial security and the freedom to make our own choices. 

    My Credentials: 

    • 30+ years in the corporate finance world
    • Certified Trust and Financial Advisor™ (CTFA™)
    • Certified Fiduciary and Investment Risk Specialist® (CFIRS®)
    • National Social Security Advisor Certificate 
    • Passed Series 7, 9, 10, 24, 63, and 65 securities license exams